We are 100% Radical Grace & 100% Personal Ownership
Meaning God’s grace is Sufficient, (nothing else is needed) it covers every sin! Salvation is for everyONE and it’s free. A true response to grace will always be transformation, when we take personal ownership for our thoughts and actions. The kicker is, people can’t force anyone to change, but God created us with an intrinsic need for people in order to change. So we take personal ownership for our own issues, lean on each other for strength, and extend radical grace to the people who need it the most.
We’re committed to a healthy body & soul, but also to great food!
Whoever said stop living to eat and start eating to live obviously never had a great burger. That being said, Paul encouraged all things in moderation and to be owned by nothing. So eat well - but with restraint - work out, and sabbath hard. Oh, and enjoy a good beer unless you shouldn’t or feel the conviction not to, then don’t. Just don’t let it master your life.
We are Spirit-Filled, Reformed, Baptist, with women in ministry
If you belong to the frozen chosen with a secure eternity, welcome home. And if you lose your salvation at every bend, we’ll help you find it. The scripture is pretty clear, it’s the grace of God which leads to salvation, not the belief in whether or not our eternity is secure. We empower People to walk in the fullness of their calling. We try not to limit it to Jews, or Gentiles, slave or free, man or woman. On that note, if the gifts of the Spirit seceded with the apostles, so has knowledge and we think you’re pretty smart!
We think you are awesome and we’re simultaneously unimpressed with you
We think you are awesome because you were created by maker of the universe and he made the ocean which is why we all live here…We’re unimpressed with where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and who you know. So breathe easy and don’t try to impress us, we already think you are awesome. Unless you are Dewayne “The Rock” Johnson and we actually are impressed with you.
Here are some choices we would make, hands down, every time
People > Progress
Presence > Process
Growth > Comfort
Honor > Drama
Faith > Doubt
Intention > Tradition
Authenticity > Pretension
Vulnerability > Shame
Action > Apathy